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Free State

In the heart of South Africa, lies the Free State, a province of blue skies, wide horizons, goldfields, farmlands and many more. Agriculture is central to this province’s economy


Wood-Fired Pizza Franchise Opportunity

Western Cape (Cape Town Region)

Asking Price

R 850,000

Monthly Profit

New Opportunity

Irrigation and Grazing Farm

Free State
Real Estate

Asking Price

R 5,500,000

Monthly Profit

Please Enquire

Free State

In the heart of South Africa, lies the Free State, a province of blue skies, wide horizons, goldfields, farmlands and many more. Agriculture is central to this province’s economy, while mining on the rich goldfields reef is its largest employer followed by manufacturing. The Free State boasts of many tourist attractions and a variety of Businesses for Sale making the possibilities in this province endless.